Matching Results: Tips
The Fork In the Road – Winning and Losing
I’ve read several books in the last few months about youth sports, most of those about baseball. The current trend of most authors in this genre is to make the goal for every kid to win. This can build certainly confidence in youngsters. It can make them enjoy the game earlier in life, and that … [View Details]
‘Tis the season to be thankful
We are blessed to be involved in baseball because: • of the look in his eyes after he has had a big game. • of the tears in his eyes after a tough loss. • the times he drags himself away from those video games to come and ask ‘Dad, wanna play some catch?’ • … [View Details]
“My Son’s Coach is an Idiot”
Before we get started, there are two things you need to know. First of all, for many years I’ve been a baseball coach of numerous youth, high school, and select/travel teams. And second, the very next article that I write will be about the parents, who themselves can sometimes be intolerable. So let’s get started. … [View Details]