Matching Results: Tips
Ignore your kids grades…
What if I told you to ignore the grades your kids bring home from school? You’d think that I was ridiculous, and you’d be correct. Although grades don’t completely define your child’s current level of intelligence or their ultimate level of success, they sure are a convenient indicator of how they are doing amongst their … [View Details]
It’s About The Journey, Not The Destination
Often players get wrapped up in worrying about things over which they have no control. The want to hit .400, make the All Star team, get a college scholarship and play pro baseball. The accomplishments are a byproduct of the process, not a given reward. Baseball is about the journey, not the destination. I think … [View Details]
July 4th and Baseball
We’re celebrating Independence Day in America. It’s very hard to fathom that we weren’t our own separate, independent country ever, but once we were a colony of the British. Many brave people fought for our freedom, and very insightful people planned a system that would help us stay that way, strong and independent of the … [View Details]