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Lessons from the Legend – Dean Smith
On Saturday, February 7, 2015, legendary former University of North Carolina head basketball coach Dean Smith died at his home in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He was 83 years old. (photo on right by Bob Donnan) Smith was a keen observer, an innovator, and an advocate who brought much to the game of basketball. He … [View Details]
Lessons to learn from Alex Rodriguez
This past weekend, New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez was suspended for the entire 2014 season. The 162 game suspension, the longest ever given related to performance-enhancing drugs, was actually a reduction from the 211 games requested by major league baseball. And it was the longest non-lifetime ban ever given in major league baseball. … [View Details]
Life Lessons – Disappointment
One of the great things that baseballs can teach young ballplayers is how to deal with adversity and rejection. The great majority of youth leagues and teams nowadays have “must play” rules. Everyone makes a team. Everyone gets to play at least every other inning. This has the advantage of keeping every player involved in … [View Details]